Cheap Price Aetertek At-215 Professional 2 in 1 Dog Training Collar with Remote 600yard Range Electric Shock Collar Vibrate for Smart Sport / Hunting Dogs
When you would like for Aetertek At-215 Professional 2 in 1 Dog Training Collar with Remote 600yard Range Electric Shock Collar Vibrate for Smart Sport / Hunting Dogs browse our post to help you get the ideal products you prefer. You can check the detail information all of about this product below:

- Corrective shock or vibration can be used for one dogs or two dogs;
- Strong vibration to get any dog's attention
- Rechargeable water-resistant receiver collar with long and short prongs for all coat types
- Range of up to 600 yards (approx. 550 meters) and signal can pass through obstacles, such as walls and fences
- 2 in 1 Shock & stong vibrate smart training methods ,1 Year Warranty
1.Can be used as 1 dog or 2 dog remote dog training collar system(This listing is for 1 dog training)
2.Correct the bad behaviour of the pet,such as jumping on people,barking,biting etc bad hedit
3.Very simple to use with 2 Levels of shocks(low or high)
4.Strong vibration to get any dog's attention
5.Rechargeable water-resistant receiver collar with long and short prongs for all coat types
6.Remote range of up to 600 yards (approx. 550 meters)
We have looked the net to get the best prices and the best deal Aetertek At-215 Professional 2 in 1 Dog Training Collar with Remote 600yard Range Electric Shock Collar Vibrate for Smart Sport / Hunting Dogs for you.