If you're looking for Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Command Collar with Extra Links and DVD, Large browse our review to help you get the correct products you wish. You can the detail information about this product below.
- Command Collar action emulates a mother dog's natural corrective process
- Easily adjustable to fit your dog from puppy to full grown
- 4 Extra quick fit links included
- 30 Minutes to the Perfect Dog DVD included
Patented Command Collar Action Works Like a Mother Dog – So why Use Anything Else? Mother dogs instinctively know how to train their pups. A simple nip on the back of their pup’s neck gets their attention so they understand it’s time to do what mama dog wants. Now with Don Sullivan’s Command Collar you can use this technique too! Nature's Training Approach Now In a Collar! Author, Professional Animal Expert & Celebrity TV Trainer Guaranteed Results – N
We have searched the web to get the best prices to get the best deal Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Command Collar with Extra Links and DVD, Large for you.