There are those of us who are honest to the letter and there are
those of us who are equally dishonest. Stress often plays an important
part of being dishonest, especially for a struggling businessman
desperately trying to provide for his family.

in most countries, there is now a system in place that ensures a basic
(some might say very basic) standard that all manufacturers or suppliers
of human food must meet.
Sadly this is either not the case for animal feed, or the standards are so low as to be useless.
despite all the pretty advertising, all the logically convincing and
reassuring words from your vet, chances are, if you're feeding your cat a
processed cat food, you're directly contributing to her ill health.
big brand names in cat food contribute financially to veterinary
colleges, which explains why vets surgery reception areas are now piled
high with these brands. But does it spell quality?
To find out we
need to look at what's in processed cat food. Most fresh meat goes for
human consumption as more money can be made there. So pet food tends to
get the dregs. Dregs can include meat meal or meat by-products (chicken
feet, feathers, hair, skin, intestinal waste (poo to you and me),
general slaughterhouse wastes), meat not considered safe (spoiled or
toxic) or desirable for human consumption, fat, diseased carcasses
(which may be far from fresh), including euthanised animals.
bulk this out, low cost carbohydrates are used, which can include sugar,
propylene glycol, leftover fast food, mouldy and rancid grain deemed
unsuitable for human consumption, corn syrup, non-nutritive fillers such
as sawdust or newspaper and so forth.
So the cat food starts out
as low quality, too low in digestible protein essential to a cats well
being, too high in fat, too high in carbohydrates and possibly poisonous
- 100 Bald and Golden Eagles in North America have died recently from
eating a euthanized animal.
Then the 'food' is cooked, usually at
very high temperatures. Cooking destroys many nutrients which are
essential for good health. Cats evolved by killing and eating their food
instantly, showing that freshness is essential for a cats overall good
To address this, the cat food manufacturers add synthetic
nutrients. Synthetic nutrients are isolated and not easily digested by
anyone let alone your cat. So a label reassuringly boasting of a
'nutritionally complete' or 'scientific' diet are purposefully vague as
neither are true. Unqualified claims are legally acceptable in most
countries with their poor or non-existent pet food regulations.
this resultant cat food doesn't look very appealing, colour is added
(Red 40, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, Blue 2), obviously for your benefit as I
doubt your cat cares much about the colour of cat food.
Now, most
processed food is in a dry or semi dry form. This means that you have to
preserve the food to keep it. If you purchase any meat product that
keeps longer than a couple of days in the fridge, you know it has
preservative in.

All processed food is 'dead' food, with no life. Dead
food is that which has been cooked, particularly at high temperature
and for long periods.
So you might think that buying cat food
direct from a pet food supplier or butcher might be the answer. A
quality butcher I buy from once told me that most pet mince sold at
butchers is all the excess fat they can't use, mixed with beetroot
juice. On further inspection of the pet mince in discussion, I didn't
doubt him.
I read recently of someone buying from a pet shop. As
she walked up to the shop from the car park, she noticed a pickup truck
loaded down with large boxes marked poultry. On closer inspection she
saw they contained pre-packaged chicken pieces. Fresh chicken sitting in
boxes, in the hot summer sun, not on ice, not in a refrigerated truck,
but in the back of an open pickup truck waiting to be carried into the
store for sale to consumers.
Just like your own diet, it's time to
take control of the diet of your cat. Good quality cat food can never,
by definition, be found in a can, a packet or a box. While it may be
convenient for you, this diet will never contribute to a healthy, happy
cat. What you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabout, with
increased cost of professional therapist fees as the health of your cat
deteriorates. Good quality cat food can only come from lovingly
preparing a meal from the freshest ingredients.