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Dog Training With Some Sound Easy Tips

Everyone knows that dogs can be man's best friend. However, we don't let our friends jump on us or chew on our shoes and we shouldn't let our dogs, either. This article can help you understand the importance of dog training and why it is good for your dog and helps him be a better member of your family

A great dog training tip is to let your dog know when they're doing something right. It's very easy to yell at your dog and tell them no when they're misbehaving. It's important to let your dog know when they're doing what you want because that reinforces good behavior

Make sure to only say the command word one time while training your dog. It is important not to repeat yourself, because your pet will begin to expect you to say the instructions multiple times. You want your dog to respond to your commands as soon as you say them.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog is that you will want to keep the leash with little to no slack in it. This is important so that your dog does not pull against the leash and try to run uncontrollably when walking it. It is important to ensure that your dog knows to stay by your side.

If you are not serious about making your dog perform when commanded, do not give the command to begin with. You must follow through with the command that you have given to him. Do not let your dog ignore the command when given. Make sure that you continue until he succeeds.

A great tip for training your dog efficiently is to make sure you do not use conflicting command words towards your dog. For example, do not tell your dog to do something you do not want and then punish him for it. This will just confuse your dog and lead to failure.

When potty training a puppy, give him a reward every time he eliminates appropriately. The reward can be a treat, or a simple "good boy". Your dog will learn to associate eliminating in an appropriate place with behavior that you want him to display. He wants to please you and so, will continue to display this behavior.

Don't be afraid to reach out to a professional dog trainer if your dog's issues become too much for you to handle alone. Problems like aggression and severe anxiety are best handled by professionals, as these issues can become dangerous if they're handled by untrained people. Your trainer can guide you in your efforts in person.

Be patient when training an older dog. If you adopt an older dog, he will already be set in his ways, some of which may be unacceptable. Remember that it isn't the dog's fault. He may not have received proper training with his previous owners. Don't give up hope though. You can retrain an older dog, but it may take a little longer than with a puppy. Always be patient and kind, and remember to reward him for positive behavior.

Use your dog's "voice" to help you with the training process. A dog's bark or whine can tell you a lot about their mood and what they want. Paying attention and responding to their signals will help your pet be happier and more successful during training. You may also want to target excessive barking as part of your training program.

Dogs are indeed man's best friend. As this article has stated, dog training is an important part of taking care of your dog. Training your dog helps him to understand what you want from him. Your dog wants to please you and dog training can help you to show your dog what you expect from him. That will make both of you happy.

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